Saturday, October 25, 2008

Poor, Poor Doogie--> Where is Your Bone?

A few decent, law abiding words have been buried deep in this digital sepia tomb.

Oh, sure. Maybe it was their time to go. They were terribly unphotogenic and late night, mushy-mouthed kissers. Yes. Definitely punishable offenses it's true.

But should it be Gorey? Like Amy, always tumbling down stairs? Bad form that.


I dunno.

I'm having a tough time, Lords and Ladies of the realm. I'm twiddle-thumb waiting for the Shy to inherit the Earth. The Poor don't seem to be in the running. Such hubris abounds! I find it on my own lips, penciled Cruella for a Friday night sta..stumble home.

Sad, sipping eyes
and tearing mouths
drip heart-wounds on nicely relaid,
reclaimed wooden floors.

Reader board retinas in neon scroll: I always expect more than what I settle for .
The mark- not Cain's - of urbane (thankyoukindly) loneliness.


The wind blows its stolen horde past my window; their E minor whistles and fugue state enviable on this Saturday morning after. If a New Year begins in winter so can I. Which, by my calculations, leaves me the rest of Fall to tumble.

Besides, there's always season two of Little Britain...

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's A *NEW* Post, Pre-Post Announcement Post!!

The seal has been broken.

Please use this opportunity to stage any back-in-the-saddle quips to a willing and receptive audience.

Something longer, if not more interesting, is baking in the oven.